Our flights are scheduled daily with sunrise and sunset, whenever the weather allows.
Timing of everyday's flights depends on the time of sunrise and sunset: Sunrise flights take place early in the morning with pickup between 4:00 - 6:00 am. Sunset flights depart around 4:00 - 6:00pm
Most likely, due to the nature of meteorological forecasting, the final confirmation of your flight will be provided as follows:
14:00 o’clock (2 PM) on the day of your sunset flight,
22:00 o’clock (10 PM) on the day before of your sunrise flight.
With the flight confirmation, you will also receive the exact time of your pick-up. Please make sure that your phone accepts international calls for last minute updates.
At the meeting time, you will be picked-up at your hotel and taken to one of our signature locations for the balloon flight outside of Prague (usually 40minutes drive).